Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay on Letter To The Edditor Finnal

Essay on Letter To The Edditor Finnal Essay on Letter To The Edditor Finnal Government, not a wise spender Dear Sir/Madam, Australians are blessed with abundance in life so how about we share it and make this world into a better and cheerful place. Australia, being a developed country with wealth and complete fairness should strongly reconsider its needless government spending. Being a first world country, Australia does not face any major problems compared to issues faced in third world countries such as Kenya, Iran and Pakistan. As we all know and are aware that poverty is a greater issue in our modern society compared to not having a big and stylish Lamborghini or not enough money to buy alcohol or makeup. Looking at the Australian budget there are several unnecessary spending and wasting of resources on fulfilling wants compared to people’s needs of people in third world country. Roughly $13.5 billion can be used for a good cause compared to wasting the resources we have. Australia being an active member in the United Nations makes several promises on helping the disadvantaged whereas in reality it fails to see the loopholes in its government spending. Is $8.6 million worth spending on just advertising? The Australian government spends more than $8.6 million on advertising while campaigning. It is clearly inhuman to spend such a large amount just on an advertisement whereas it could be used to save an entire village in underdeveloped countries. Not only saves their life but also brings a huge smile and happiness into their life. Spending on advertisements later becomes a competition and increases stress, then why do not we spend that money on saving a life’s and spreading happiness instead of sadness and stress. Would the tax payers of Australia be happy if three hundred thousand dollars were spent by the government on to research and develop new beers with distinctive and desirable new flavours, would you rather like if the government used that money to provided fresh and clean drinking water to underdeveloped countries? It is heartless if we believe new flavoured beer is

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why Hercules Had to Perform the 12 Labors

Why Hercules Had to Perform the 12 Labors For most of his life, Hercules (Greek: Herakles/Heracles) was in thrall to his cousin-once-removed, Eurystheus, the King of Tiryns, but it was not until Hercules committed unspeakable acts that Eurystheus got to have some fun at his cousins expense- with the help of Hera. Hera, who had been angry with Hercules since even before he was born and had repeatedly tried to destroy him, now drove the hero mad and delusional. In this state, Hercules imagined he saw Lycus, the tyrant of Thebes who killed Creon and plans to kill Hercules family, accompanied by his family. Here is a section on the slaughter, from a 1917 English translation of Senecas tragedy (Translated by Miller, Frank Justus. Loeb Classical Library Volumes. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1917): [He catches sight of his children.][987] But look! here lurk the children of the king, my enemy, the abominable spawn of Lycus; to your detested father this hand forthwith shall send you. Let my bowstring discharge swift arrows- so it is meet that the shafts of Hercules should fly.... THE VOICE OF MEGARA[1014] Husband, spare me now, I beg. See, I am Megara. This is thy son, with thine own looks and bearing. See, how he stretches out his hands. THE VOICE OF HERCULES:[1017] I have caught my stepdame [Juno/Hera]. Come, pay me thy debt, and free o’ermastered Jove from a degrading yoke. But before the mother let this little monster perish.Seneca Hercules Furens In reality, the figures the Greek hero saw were his own children and his well-loved wife, Megara. Hercules slew them all (or most of them) and incinerated 2 of the children of his brother Iphicles, as well. In some accounts, Megara survived. In these, when he came to his senses, Hercules transferred his wife, Megara to Iolaus. [To learn more about Hercules murderous rage, you should read the Hercules Furens tragedies of Seneca and Euripides.] Here is an extended passage from the same translation of Hercules Furens, on the motivation of Juno: [19] But I lament ancient wrongs; one land, the baneful and savage land of Thebes, scattered thick with shameless mistresses, how oft has it made me stepdame! Yet, though Alcmena be exalted and in triumph hold my place; though her son, likewise, obtain his promised star (for whose begetting the world lost a day, and Phoebus with tardy light shone forth from the Eastern sea, bidden to keep his bright car sunk beneath Oceans waves), not in such fashion shall my hatred have its end; my angry soul shall keep up a long-living wrath, and my raging smart, banishing peace, shall wage unending wars.[30] What wars? Whatever fearsome creature the hostile earth produces, whatever the sea or the air has borne, terrific, dreadful, noxious, savage, wild, has been broken and subdued. He rises anew and has thrives on trouble; he enjoys my wrath; to his own credit he turns my hate; imposing too cruel tasks, I have but proved his sire, but give room for glory. Where the Sun, as he brings back, and whe re, as he dismisses day, colours both Ethiop races with neighbouring torch, his unconquered valour is adored, and in all the world he is storied as a god. Now I have no monsters left, and tis less labour for Hercules to fulfil my orders than for me to order; with joy he welcomes my commands. What cruel biddings of his tyrant could harm this impetuous youth? Why, he bears as weapons what he once fought and overcame; he goes armed by lion and by hydra.[46] Nor is earth vast enough for him; behold, he has broken down the doors of infernal Jove, and brings back to the upper world the spoils7 of a conquered king. I myself saw, yes, saw him, the shadows of nether night dispersed and Dis overthrown, proudly displaying to his father a brothers spoils. Why does he not drag forth, bound and loaded down with fetters, Pluto himself, who drew a lot equal to Joves? Why does he not lord it over conquered Erebus and lay bare the Styx? It is not enough merely to return; the law of the shades has bee n annulled, a way back has been opened from the lowest ghosts, and the mysteries of dread Death lie bared. But he, exultant at having burst the prison of the shades, triumphs over me, and with arrogant hand leads through the cities of Greece that dusky hound. I saw the daylight shrink at sight of Cerberus, and the sun pale with fear; upon me, too, terror came, and as I gazed upon the three necks of the conquered monster I trembled at my own command.[63] But I lament too much oer trivial wrongs. Tis for heaven we must fear, lest he seize the highest realms who has overcome the lowest- he will snatch the sceptre from his father. Nor will he come to the stars by a peaceful journey as Bacchus did; he will seek a path through ruin, and will desire to rule in an empty universe. He swells with pride of tested might, and has learned by bearing them that the heavens can be conquered by his strength; he set his head beneath the sky, nor did the burden of that immeasurable mass bend his should ers, and the firmament rested better on the neck of Hercules. Unshaken, his back upbore the stars and the sky and me down-pressing. He seeks a way to the gods above.[75] Then on, my wrath, on, and crush this plotter of big things; close with him, thyself rend him in pieces with thine own hands. Why to another entrust such hate? Let the wild beasts go their ways, let Eurystheus rest, himself weary with imposing tasks. Set free the Titans who dared to invade the majesty of Jove; unbar Sicilys mountain cave, and let the Dorian land, which trembles whenever the giant struggles, set free the buried frame of that dread monster; let Luna in the sky produce still other monstrous creatures. But he has conquered such as these. Dost then seek Alcides match? None is there save himself; now with himself let him war. Rouse the Eumenides from the lowest abyss of Tartarus; let them be here, let their flaming locks drop fire, and let their savage hands brandish snaky whips.[89] Go now, proud one, se ek the abodes of the immortals and despise mans estate. Dost think that now thou hast escaped the Styx and the cruel ghosts? Here will I show thee infernal shapes. One in deep darkness buried, far down below the place of banishment of guilty souls, will I call up- the goddess Discord, whom a huge cavern, barred by a mountain, guards; I will bring her forth, and drag out from the deepest realm of Dis whatever thou hast left; hateful Crime shall come and reckless Impiety, stained with kindred blood, Error, and Madness, armed ever against itself- this, this be the minister of my smarting wrath![100] Begin, handmaids of Dis, make haste to brandish the burning pine; let Megaera lead on her band bristling with serpents and with baleful hand snatch a huge faggot from the blazing pyre. To work! claim vengeance for outraged Styx. Shatter his heart; let a fiercer flame scorch his spirit than rages in Aetnas furnaces. That Alcides may be driven on, robbed of all sense, by mighty fury smitten, mine must be the frenzy first- Juno, why ravst thou not? Me, ye sisters, me first, bereft of reason, drive to madness, if I am to plan some deed worthy a stepdames doing. Let my request be changed; may he come back and find his sons unharmed, that is my prayer, and strong of hand may he return. I have found the day when Hercules hated valour is to be my joy. Me has he overcome; now may he overcome himself and long to die, though late returned from the world of death. Herein may it profit me that he is the son of Jove, I will stand by him and, that his shafts may fly from string unerring, Ill poise them with my hand, guide the madmans weapons, and so at last be on the side of Hercules in the fray. When he has done this crime, then let his father admit those hands to heaven![123] Now must my war be set in motion; the sky is brightening and the shining sun steals up in saffron dawn. Hercules Seeks Purification for His Crimes Madness was not an excuse for the carnage- not even madness sent by the gods- so Hercules had to make amends. First, he went to King Thespius on Mt. Helicon [see a map of northern Greece, Dd, in Boeotia] for purification, but that wasnt enough. Hercules' Expiation and Marching Orders To learn what further course he must take, Hercules consulted the oracle at Delphi where the Pythian priestess told him to expiate his crime by serving King Eurystheus for 12 years. During this 12-year period, Hercules had to perform the 10 labors the king would require of him. The Pythian also changed Hercules name from Alcides (after his grandfather Alcaeus) to what we normally call him, Heracles (in Greek) or Hercules (the Latin form and the one most commonly used today regardless of whether the reference is to a Greek or Roman myth). The Pythian also told Hercules to move to Tiryns. Willing to do anything to atone for his murderous rage, Hercules obliged. The Twelve Labors- Introduction Eurystheus set before Hercules a series of impossible tasks. If completed, some of them would have served a useful purpose because they removed the world of dangerous, predatory monsters- or excrement, but others were capricious whims of a king with an inferiority complex: Comparing himself with the hero was bound to make Eurystheus feel inadequate. Since Hercules was doing these tasks to atone for his crimes, Eurystheus insisted there be no ulterior motive. Because of this restriction, when King Augeas of Elis [see Peloponnese map Bb] promised Hercules a fee for cleaning his stables (Labor 5), Eurystheus denied the feat: Hercules had to do another to fill his quota. That King Augeas reneged and did not pay Hercules made no difference to Eurystheus. Other tasks the king of Tiryns set his nephew were make-work. For instance, once Hercules retrieved the apples of the Hesperides (Labor 11), but Eurystheus had no use for the apples, so he had Hercules send them back again. Eurystheus Hides From Hercules One more important point needs to be made in connection with these tasks. Eurystheus did not just feel inferior to Hercules; he was also afraid. Anyone who could survive the suicide missions on which King Eurystheus had sent the hero must be very powerful indeed. It is said Eurystheus hid in a jar and insisted- contrary to the instructions of the Pythian priestess- that Hercules stay outside the Tiryns city limits.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study on IT Doesn't Matter Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On IT Doesn't Matter - Case Study Example One take is that while no longer strategic, IT investment and excellence remains something that is essential, as a kind of ticket to the game. Another take is that companies who are able to glean insights into how technology is to be used to further their own strategies have a leg up on others. The case makes the point for saturation of infrastructure, where like in railroads there was a rapid and massive building phase, followed by a capacity glut. Again the take here is with capacity overbuilt strategies must look beyond using IT as a source of advantage, but rather something that is a given, to excel at, but not to necessarily get ahead of the others, who are basically doing the same thing and enjoying the same benefits from IT. Moreover, the insight from the paper is that there is the risk that companies may continue to spend a considerable part of their funds on IT, not heeding the warning from other companies, who are not realizing returns commensurate with the level of IT inve stments. These constitute investment and operational, as well as broader risks. The lessons learned are in this area. The prescription from the article is that of greater focus on astuteness when it comes to investing in IT, focusing on such things as efficiency, and return on investments. What this means for strategy is that more care must be placed on those things that can add real value to the firm and differentiate it from others in the same field, and the warning is that IT is not the way to achieve this. It is necessary, but it will not get you very far in terms of building a sustainable source of competitive advantage. One insight from the article is that that we should look elsewhere. There are problems in terms of actually having to excel in IT as a prerequisite for succeeding, to get to the starting block, but having likewise to go beyond that and to consider

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Moral Dilemmas and Guilt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Moral Dilemmas and Guilt - Essay Example Truth-telling or Honesty – As by hiring the candidate of your choice my honesty would be impaired, and e) Individual Freedom – Further my objectivity and self-determinacy would also be affected by this situation. Further, this situation also has the potential to affect my moral behaviour and this also constitutes ethical dilemma. Consultations with the ethics committee comprising of the HR personnel and supervisors, presented the following basic options: a) it would be violation of the general ethical principles as well as the Organization’s ‘Code of Business Conduct and Ethics’ to some extent as are discussed above, however, as all the candidates are of equal footings as yet and are equally compatible and capable as their results of the tests and the experience proves, we can also consider hiring Mr McDonough. But for that effective interviews need to be conducted as these may result in certain other observations about the candidates too. I have also considered the ethical Theory that is suitable for the situation that we are facing now. The applicable theory is ‘Consequentialism’, which presents that the right action is one which produces the best consequences. Considering the information that I have gathered and the priorities I have set, each option was evaluated and the potential consequences for all the parties involved were assessed. Following implications were observed: i) Carry on the interview proceedings of all the candidates, keeping in mind your request and considering Mr McDonough above others: Gives a chance as to find out the capabilities of others too, and satisfies all the three parties, the potential candidates, you and me. It will not cause the doubts in the minds of the candidates as they will all be satisfied that they are being evaluated on their capabilities, appointment of Mr McDonough will be as per your request, therefore, that will also satisfy your request and as all the regular proceedings will be carried and consideration can be paid to other candidates too if some extraordinary ability is discovered, this makes the HR personnel satisfied with their work.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Story Review from the 16th Century Essay Example for Free

A Story Review from the 16th Century Essay CHARACTERS: THE KING THE EARL OF CORNWALL SIR HUGH LACY, Earl of Lincoln. ROWLAND LACY, otherwise disguised as HANS, nephew of Sir Hugh Lacy ASKEW, another nephew of Sir Hugh Lacy SIR ROGER OATELEY, Lord Mayor of London. Master HAMMON, Master WARNER and Master SCOTT: Citizens of London. SIMON EYRE, the Shoemaker. ROGER, commonly called Hodge, a Journeyman of Simon Eyre FIRK, another journeyman of Simon Eyre RALPH, another Journeyman of Simon Eyre LOVELL, a courtier. DODGER, servant to The Earl of Lincoln A DUTCH SKIPPER. A BOY. ROSE, daughter of Sir Roger, the love interest of Rowland Lacy SYBIL, the maid of Rose MARGERY, wife of Simon Eyre JANE, wife of Ralph SETTING: London and Old Ford, England, as it happened in the 16th century PLOT DEVELOPMENT: With the different sub-plots evolving in The Shoemaker’s Holiday, the central plot is about the desperate love between Rowland Lacy and Rose Oateley.     And they defied the odds:   Rowland did not obey his uncle the Earl of Lincoln to go to war and Rose rejected the arranged marriage with Master Hammon, who is of wealth and nobility from London.     Sir Roger thought Rowland went to war.   Instead, Rowland apparently went to study shoemaking in Germany. He eventually went back to London; disguised himself as Hans a Dutch shoemaker and worked for Simon Eyre, a shoe shop owner and a real shoemaker.   Rowland and Rose went through the maze of re-discovering each other; plotting ways and means to be secretly married; and surmounting the ire and the vehemence of their respectively opposing families.   With the backdrop of the rise of Simon Eyre from being a simple man to achieving success and wealth, such paved the way for eventual happy conclusion of the fulfillment of the love of Rowland and Rose. SYMBOLISM: The Shoemaker’s Holiday generally illustrated basic features of the paradoxes in life:   unrequited love vis-à  -vis the determination to achieve its fulfillment; difference in social standing vis-à  -vis sustaining integrity of an individual inspite of any variance; applying duplicity and deceit to achieve a noble objective; how success can come and test humanness. In analyzing the various plots of The Shoemaker’s Holiday, Conover (1969) said:   â€Å"Achievement, promotion, advancement of all kinds are pictured in the play. For several of the characters in the play Simon Eyre is instrumental to success. The shoemakers, too, rise up the social scale – and Eyre tells them that opportunity is open to all.   Simon Eyre is, of course, the central example of the opportunities for success.   As he rises from shoemaker to Alderman, rich man, Sheriff, and Lord Mayor†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.[though the] main plot has to do with the love of young Lacy and the mayors daughter, most critics consider the Eyre action to be central in the play.† With such positive characteristic of the play, it is interesting to note that the author Thomas Dekker conversely led a nearly unknown life of deprivation.   He was constantly in debt and was in and out of prison for his inability to meet his obligations. As reviewed by The Harvard Classics:   â€Å"The play is full of an atmosphere of pleasant mirth, varied with characteristic touches of pathos; and it contains in the figure of Simon Eyre a creation of marked individuality and hilarious humor. It is striking that the most high-spirited picture of London life in the time of Elizabeth should come from the pen of the author who seems to have been more hardly treated by fortune than any of his contemporaries.†Ã‚   (Eliot, 1909) Indeed the tenor of the story is honest and realistic.   All the struggles that came by have been met with acceptance and resolve:   to surpass and emerge as victorious.   The need to bridge differences and misunderstanding were sought.   The overall intention of the theme of the story is allowing the truth of love and dignity of individuality its own due course. In a review of the Early Modern Theatre of the Theatre Studies Department of Duke University, it was noted that:   â€Å"Fantasy and reality blur, giving the plot a surreal quality that would be appealing as a holiday play: wishes come true and hopes are fulfilled.   However, realities do not completely disappear in this drama, ‘they keep returning, unexpectedly, to interrupt, trouble, and question any easy reading that would entertain by way of ignorance or innocence the real cost of social mobility and fluidity that is necessary in a class-ridden society’†¦..Thomas Dekker wrote a drama for the citizens of London, and incorporated social issues and ideas that citizens would be interested in.† (Duke University, undated) HOW THE STORY REFLECTED THE ASPECTS OF THE 16TH CENTURY† It has been described that:   â€Å"Literary development in the earlier part of the 16th century was weakened by the diversion of intellectual energies to the polemics of the religious struggle †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The English part in the European movement known as humanism also belongs to this time. Humanism encouraged greater care in the study of the literature of classical antiquity and reformed education in such a way as to make literary expression of paramount importance for the cultured person. Literary style, in part modeled on that of the ancients, soon became a self-conscious preoccupation of English poets and prose writers. Thus, the richness and metaphorical profusion of style at the end of the century indirectly owed much to the educational force of this movement. The most immediate effect of humanism lay, however, in the dissemination of the cultivated, clear, and sensible attitude of its classically educated adherents, who rejected medieval theological misteaching and superstition.   The school of thought known as humanism, promoted the revival of Greek and Roman artistic and philosophical models that celebrated the worth of the individual.† (MSN Encarta, 2007). Because of a re-invention of the literary style at that time, the common pursuits for greatness and distinctiveness surfaced amongst the writers of that time.   â€Å"The Elizabethan Era is the period associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and is often considered to be a golden age in English history. It was the height of the English Renaissance, and saw the flowering of English literature and poetry. This was also the time during which Elizabethan theatre flourished and William Shakespeare, among others, composed plays that broke away from Englands past style of plays and theatre.† (Elizabethan Era, With such overall characteristics that prevailed during the 16th century, the aura of prosperity and practical domination and excellence in every aspect of life is exemplified in The Shoemaker’s Holiday.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"London in the 16th century underwent a transformation. Its population grew 400% during the 1500s, swelling to nearly 200,000 people in the city proper and outlying region by the time an immigrant from Stratford came to town. A rising merchant middle class carved out a productive livelihood, and the economy boomed.†Ã‚   (Shakespeare Resource Center, 2008) The Shoemaker’s Holiday indeed encapsulated everything that is real and positive abounding in that period where new leaps in perspective about life and identity emerged. References: 16th Century Literary History.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Bellinger, M.F. (1927). â€Å"A Short History of the Drama† Conover, J.H. (1969). The Shoemaker’s Holiday:   A Critical Commentary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Early Modern Theatre, Theatre Studies Department, Duke University, Eliot, C.W. (1909-14). The Harvard Classics. â€Å"Elizabethan England†.   2008.   Shakespeare Resource Centre   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ â€Å"Elizabethan Era†. English Literature, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2007  © 1997-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. French Literature, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2007  © 1997-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The Shoemaker’s Holiday:   A Synopsis An Abstract: Rowland Lacy, the nephew of Sir Hugh Lacy, the Earl of Lincoln, and Rose, the daughter of Sir Roger Oateley, the Lord Mayor of London are in love, but their families do not approve.     To separate them, Sir Roger sends Rose to the country, in Old Ford.   Sir Hugh sends Rowland to war in France.   Rowland disobeyed Sir Hugh and instead went to Germany and study shoemaking.   Rowland returns to London.   Disguised as a Dutch shoemaker, Rowland went to Simon Eyre, a shoe shop owner, for work and introduced himself as Hans.   Rowland and Simon sealed a very good friendship because when a cargo shipment at a very good price came up for sale, Rowland gave his war gift money to Simon to purchase the cargo.   This made Simon very wealthy.   Sir Hugh learned that Rowland is not in the war in France.   Meantime, Sir Roger was already arranging the marriage of Rose to Master Hammon, rich nobleman from London.   Rose vehemently refuses to marry Master Hammon. Meanwhile, Simon becomes the Sheriff of London and Sir Roger threw a party celebration for Simon in his house in Old Ford.   Simon and his shoemakers were invited.   During the dancing and merrymaking, Rose suspects that Hans is Rowland – inspite of Rowland talking in gibberish English to safeguard his disguise.   After the celebration, Rose and Sybil went to London.   Sybil asked Hans to take the shoe size of Rose and make a new pair of shoes. While Rowland and Rose are struggling for their love in the story, Simon has a journeyman named Ralph who was also sent to war.   Ralph is married to Jane.   Jane thought Ralph was killed in the war.   So she left off and no one knows of her whereabouts. Jane met Master Hammon – not knowing that a failed marriage arrangement transpired between Master Hammon and Rose.   So, Master Hammon was besotted to Jane and asked her to marry him.   Believing that Ralph is dead, Jane agreed and they were set to marry in St. Faith Church in London.   However, Jane wants the last gift of Ralph, a pair of shoes specially made for her, be duplicated to a brand new one to become her wedding shoes.   Master Hammon obliged and went to the shoe shop of Simon Eyre and ordered the duplication.   Meanwhile, Ralph returned to London because he was hurt in the war and was discharged.   Ralph returned to work with Simon and sadly learned that his wife left him for nowhere.    On that day that the shoe duplication for Jane was ordered, Ralph saw it and was therefore sure that it will lead her to his wife Jane.   Going back to the time when Rowland was taking the shoe size of Rose, Rowland had the chance to quietly and secretly instruct Rose to go to the house of Simon Eyre.   At this time, Simon became the new Mayor of London.   And as such, Simon could marry Rose and Rowland.   Eventually, Rose did so and they finally got married.   Sybil revealed the treachery of Rose and Rowland to Sir Roger and Sir Hugh.   But Sir Roger and Sir Hugh was told that the wedding will take place in the St. Faith Church. Whilst Sir Roger and Sir Hugh were on their way to St. Faith Church to take Rose from Rowland (as Hans), Ralph and with his shoemaker friends are already waiting in the church to take Jane from Master Hammon.  Ã‚   When Sir Roger and Sir Hugh arrived, it was a moment that Jane lovingly recognized her husband Ralph and apologized to Master Hammon for the cancellation of the wedding as she is still in love with Ralph.   Sir Roger and Sir Hugh were disgusted that they were seemingly duped because it was a different wedding that was suppose to transpire that moment.    Sir Hugh and Sir Roger nevertheless learned that Rowland and Rose are already married.   Sir Hugh and Sir Roger appealed to the King to nullify the marriage.   But King who has been enamoured with the antics and humanness of Simon as he treats his shoemaker workers fairly; he remains humble inspite of his wealth – worked out a solution to the enmity between the parents of Rowland and Rose and them.   The King divorced Rowland and Rose and re-married them and declared Rowland a knight just so the issue of differences in social standing come to an end.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Physics and the Speed of Sound :: physics sound

The Speed of "Sound": is actually the speed of transmission of a small disturbance through a medium. The speed of sound (a) is equal to the square root of the ratio of specific heats (g) times the gas constant (R) times the absolute temperature (T). a = sqrt [g * R * T] Sonic Boom Sound generated by airflow has been around and reasearched for a long time. The increased use of fluid machines and engines has led to an increasing level of noise generation, and hence to an increasing interest in this area of research. A sonic boom is a loud noise caused by an aircraft travelling faster than the speed of sound which is mach one.. The sound propagates along the figure which is called the mach cone. The boom is due to a combination of volume and lift. While the boom due to volume can be virtually eliminated (Busemann, 1935), the boom due to lift can only be minimized. The minimum sonic boom generally does not correspond to the best aircraft. There is among others: sonic boom minimization at given drag; minimization at given volume, etc. (Seebass, 1998). Because the shock energy is nearly conserved as the shock radiates, its strength decays only slightly with the distance from the aircraft. Minimization is not straightforward, because it is constrained by structural, aerodynamic and design parameters, and not least by the variation of the thermo-dynamic properties of the atmosphere. The Speed of Sound, source: Air & Space/Smithsonian. The speed of sound varies with temperature. At sea level Mach 1 is around 742 mph. It decreases with altitude until it reaches about 661 mph at 36,000 feet, then remains at that speed in a band of steady temperature up to 60,000 feet. Because of the variation, it is possible for an airplane flying supersonic at high altitude to be slower than a subsonic flight at sea level.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cell Phones: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The prevalence of cell phones in American culture shouldn't come as much of a surprise to anyone. Cell phone use has risen In the united States from approximately 91,000 users 985 to In 2007 and n 2009 was somewhere In the neighborhood of 280,000,000, which means that approximately 90% of Americans own cell phones. And Americans arena the only ones. According to a February 2010 article on www. Cobwebs. Com, there are approximately 4. 6 billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide and that number is expected to surpass five billion by the end of the year.I had to wonder, what are the advantages and disadvantages of 90% of Americans (New York Times, May 13, 2010) and nearly 85% of the world's population using cell phones? I figure there had to be quite a few advantages for so many people to have cell phones, so I asked around. The number one answer I found was the convenience. Peoples' ability to be reached at all times, able to reach others at all times, and how fast communication with others has become. Can't reach someone by phone? Send a text. Text messages are delivered almost Instantaneously and there's no need to eave a message and Walt for a call back anymore.Many others cited having a cell phone In case of emergency. According to Pew Internet, In 2006, 74% of cell phone users reported using their cell phones in emergency situations. While cell phone bills are usually not lower than landlines bills alone, the long distance cost is significantly less for cell phone users. Long distance costs are included in the overall minute usage for most cell phone subscriptions, whereas many landlines providers charge by the minute for long distance calls. As cell phone technology advances, so o the tools available to cell phone users.A growing number of users report using their phones for such things as listening to music, checking email, keeping their daily calendars, making grocery lists, and even keeping track of daily calorie intake. (New York Times, May 13, 2010). There are many organizational tools available on the new generation of â€Å"smart phones† as well as many different navigational tools. GAPS locators In phones are subscribed to by many parents of underage cell phone users. Cell phones can also be used as cameras and video recorders and those photos and ideas are easily emailed to others or uploaded to sites such as Twitter and Faceable.Entertainment is even making the list of advantages to having a cell phone these days. As I mentioned previously, users can listen to music on their cell phones, but it doesn't stop there. Technology has advanced so much that users can now watch television shows and movies on their phones. So it seems I was correct about how many advantages must be out there, but what about the downside? The very first thought I had was about the ban on cell phones in schools and what a huge disruption cell phones must be In the classroom. That issue Is Just part of the larger issue of the widespread distract ion cell phones cause.Everywhere you go you see cell phones In use – In the coffee shop, the movie theater, the grocery store, even church, and while driving. Going back to the cost of cell phones, while heavy long distance users may notice a relief in their long distance landlines. There are costs for air time usage, text message usage, broadband usage, music purchases, games purchases, and app purchases, not to mention the dreaded overage costs. Some cell phone companies charge as much as sixty cents per minute or every minute of air time over your allotted plan.Add that to long contracts and hefty fees for canceling contracts and cell phones become quite an expensive venture. The ever-increasing technology is adding to these costs as well. Newer, smarter phones released every few months are of course attractive to users, but on top of the cost of upgrading phones on a regular basis is the added cost of the service provider's data package. In order to utilize these newer sm art phones, the data package is a requirement and on average costs something like an additional $30 ere month. Aside from financial impact, what about health impact?There seems to be quite a bit of worry over the radio frequency radiation given off by cell phones and cell phone towers. There is much argument about whether or not this sort of radiation is of any real concern, but according to www. Contemporaries. Com, there are many very serious health concerns to think about. There are reports that cell phone use can cause disturbances in sleep and concentration, fatigue, and headache. According to a BBC News report (wry. News. BBC. Co. UK), â€Å"Cell phones image key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alchemist's disease †¦Researchers have found that radiation from cell phone handsets damages areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement. † Reports linking cell phones to sterility in men, eye tissue damage, and increased chances of depr ession and cancer have also been published. In researching the negative effects of cell phones, I happened across some even more sinister effects. Take â€Å"setting† – â€Å"the act of sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photos, or images via cell phone, computer, or other chital device.These messages, photos, and images are then often being further disseminated through email and internet-based social networking websites well beyond their original intended recipients. † (wry. Mass. Gob) There have been hundreds of reported cases of setting – a handful of those cases involving suicide and/or sex offense criminal charges such as child pornography in the cases involving high school students. According to www. Masc.. Com, 39% of high schools students admit to sending these types of messages and 48% say they've received them.Another very dangerous habit Americans have developed is talking on their cell phone while driving. Muff have four times the risk of being in a crash if you're on the phone while driving. † (www. Unfathomable. Com) What's even scarier are the results of a Car and Driver Magazine study that found testing while driving is much worse than driving while intoxicated. The results of this study showed that unimpaired, it took the test driver . 54 seconds to brake when indicated to do so. Add four feet to that time for legally drunk drivers, thirty six feet for drivers reading email and events feet for drivers reading a text. Http://www. Zinc. Com/id/31 545004/site/ 14081 545). According too report by the National Safety Council, 28% of accidents involve talking or testing on cell phones. I couldn't help but notice that the risks seem to outweigh the benefits considerably, but I also admit that I'm still addicted to my cell phone. There has been their use elsewhere and I think there needs to be much more, although, I'm not certain how feasible that would be to accomplish. At any rate, we all make our own choices and we all need to make smarter choices about our cell phone use.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Apple Marketing Strategy Essay

1. Apple Marketing StrategyApple has been so successful in these last years thanks to his fresh, imaginative way to think and do its business: awinning combination of exceptional products, great style and design, great strategy, innovative marketing, sleekand enticing communications.Apple owes its overwhelming success in the last years to the iPhone and to the smart iPod and iTunes productcombination, a combination of a great hardware piece with great style, great software, great performance, userfriendly interface, with a good e-business service. The iPod + iTunes halo effect and new great Mac computers andMac OS software did the rest in increasing Apple revenue stream. In the 5 years between 2003 to 2008 the Apple share value increased 25 times, from $7.5 to $180 per share. At july2008 prices, before the US Financial Crisis, Apple stock market capitalization was $160 billion.In January 2010 Apple shares topped the $210 mark.But even the best companies with the best products have bottleneck factors which often avoid full exploitation ofthe opportunities.The iPod.Few people are aware – and few market analysts too – that for the first 3 years the iPod was an absolute flop. TheiPod was launched in october 2001, and between 2001 and 2004 iPod sales were between 100-200 thousand unitsper quarter, very far from todays 10-20 million units per quarter, and the iPod sales were not even covering theproduct research & development costs. Then, in June-Aug 2004 something happened, and iPod sales began to grow strongly, quarter after quarter. Today,we all know where the iPod stands, and what a remarkable success it is.The iPod made the fortune of Apple, and it stands out as the major turning point in the company growth.Few people know that the iPod + iTunes business idea was not conceived inside Apple, but was proposed to Appleby an outside source, a music lover and Engineer named Tony Fadell.More on Tony Fadell and on the iPod marketing on iPod Marketing StrategyThe iPod marks another outstanding result in marketing:the annihilation of competitors. To know more see the analysis onThe iPod competitorsIt should be noted that, since the second generation of iPods in 2002, the iPods were made compatible not only withthe Mac operating systems but with Microsoft Windows operating systems as well.We should ask ourselves (and to Steve Jobs): how many iPods would have been sold if the iPods would had beencompatible only with Mac operating systems?Where the iPod is manufactured and assembledThe iPhone. The pipeline of new products which came out from Apple in the last years is impressive, and overwhelming. In 2007,with the successful launch of the iPhone, Apple has marked another milestone in its development and growth.And moreover, the iPhone enters a market – the market of mobile phones – a market which is mature, and saturated.Nonetheless, Apple has been able to develop a revolutionary product, and to change the paradigm in the mobile 2. Phone market.The iPhone is 5 years ahead of all its competitors. A wonderful product, amazing user interface, great design. It isnot only a mobile phone, it is a product between a mobile phone and a laptop computer. Even calling it asmartphone is not enough.In July 2008 Apple launched the second generation iPhone, the iPhone 3G.The iPhone 3GS.In June 2009 Apple launched its third generation iPhone: the iPhone 3GS.The iPhone 3GS has a 3 megapixel autofocus camera, video recording and editing capabilities, voice control, longerbattery life, 7.2 Mbps HSDPA internet connection. iPhone 3GS is twice faster than the iPhone 3G. The iPhone 3GSprices: $199 for the 16GB model, $299 for the 32GB model.more on the new iPhone 3GS on the iPhone 3GS page.More on iPhone Marketing on the iPhone Marketing Strategy page.Apple did great. no doubt. However Apple has done some serious mistakes.The most serious mistakes Apple has done concern marketing and distribution strategies in Europe.Apple has overlooked the European markets, and missing big numbers in unexploited sales. With better marketingstrategy, better communication and distribution, Apple could have made 300% more revenues in Europe in the last 4years. Apple Marketing in EuropeWe met with with Erik Stannow, Apple Vice President of Marketing for Europe & EMEA. We have been talking withErik Stannow about the marketing and distribution issues of Apple in the European markets and we gave somevaluable suggestions to improve the Apple marketing strategy and distribution in Europe.Well, it seems that in Cupertino they dont care so much about Europe.Steve JobsIf we talk about Apple success, about Apple great products, we need to talk about Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs has beenand is the great mind behind all this.Steve Jobs is a genius, he is a magician, too. He is the most skilled guy in introducing new products – â€Å"†¦ one morething† – the most skilled in presenting the key features, and he is a great communicator. Even more important, Steve Jobs has Vision. Vision in the strategy, Vision in the product development, Vision in thealliances.Apple Communication Strategy.Apple communication is sober, intriguing, simple, clear, minimalist and clever. And it has a style of its own. Both inthe tv ads, both in print ads, both in the online communications. A lesson to be learned by many companies in theworld. Well, of course when you have great products it is much easier to entice the costumers, but neverthelessdoing it with style and cleverness is a very good point. It boosts sales, but enhances the brand value too.The famous â€Å"I am a Mac, I am a PC† tv ads are a milestone in communications. Smart, simple, effective andhumiliating (for Microsoft †¦).More on Apple Communications and on the Apple Commercials â€Å"I am a Mac I am a PC† on the AppleCommunication Strategy page.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Top 5 Review Activities for Elementary Students

Top 5 Review Activities for Elementary Students Review sessions are inevitable in the classroom, and for many teachers, it can be a rather uninspiring exercise. Too often,  review activities feel boring and may leave your students feeling unengaged. But, it doesnt have to be that way. By choosing some fun and engaging activities, a traditionally mundane review session can become an active and inspiring session. Check out these five teacher-tested review lessons with your students. Graffiti Wall When students here the words its review time, you might get a bunch of groans. But, by turning the review session into a hands-on activity, students will be more likely to enjoy the exercise and even better retain the information.   Heres how it works: Place a variety of different colored dry erase markers on the front board(or different colored chalk if you have a chalkboard).Then give students a review topic, and randomly call about three to five students at a time to the board.The students goal is to think of any word that associates with the given topic.Students can write the word any way they like (sideways, up and down, backward, etc.)One rule you must enforce is that students cannot repeat any word that is on the board.Once all the students have had a turn, pair them up and have each student tell their partner about five of the words on the board.View pictures and learn more about this great  graffiti wall review activity  here. 3-2-1 Strategy The 3-2-1 review strategy is a great way for students to review just about anything in an easy and simple format. There are a few ways you can use this strategy, but often, the preferred way is to draw a pyramid. Heres how it works: Students are given a review topic and told to draw a pyramid in their notebook.Their goal is to write down three things they learned, two things they thought was interesting, and one question they still have. You can adapt this activity any way you want. Instead of asking a question on the top of the pyramid, students can write a summary sentence. Or, instead of writing two things they found interesting, they can write two vocabulary words. It is very easily adaptable.  View a picture of the 3-2-1  review pyramid. Post-It Practice If your students love the game Headbands, then they will love playing this review game. Heres what you have to do to get started. Provide each student with a Post-it note, and have them write down one review term on it.Then without the other students seeing the note, have each student choose one person to stick their note to their forehead.The goal of this activity is for students to go around the room and try to explain the term without using the actual term.Make sure that each student has the opportunity to go around the room and explain each term. Move Ahead of the Class This review game is the perfect way to incorporate teamwork while reviewing important skills. Here is how you play: Divide students into teams of two, then have students stand in a row where one student is behind one other.Use the squares of the floor as the game board and tape off a finish line.To play the game, have one person from each team face-off by answering a review question. The first person to answer it correctly moves ahead to the next square.​After the first question, the next person in line takes the place of the student who got the answer correct.The game goes on until one team crosses the finish line. Sink or Swim Sink or Swim is a fun review game that will have your students working together as a team in order to win the game. Heres what you need to know to play the game: Divide students into two teams and have them form a line and face one another.Then ask team 1 a question, and if they get it right, they can choose one person from the other team to sink.Then ask team 2 a question, and if they get the answer right, they may either sink their opponents team member or save their sunken team member.The winning team is the one with the most people at the end.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

16 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes

16 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes Mosquitoes, the insects that are universally hated the world over. These pesky, disease-carrying pests make a living by sucking the blood out of just about anything that moves, including us. But take a moment to look at things from the mosquitos perspective. Mosquitoes are actually interesting  creatures. Mosquitoes Are the Deadliest Animals on Earth Take that, shark week! More deaths are associated with mosquitoes than any other animal on the planet. Mosquitoes may carry any number of deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, and encephalitis. Mosquitoes also carry heartworm, which can be lethal to your dog. How Long Do Mosquitoes Live? An adult mosquito may live 5–6 months. Few probably make it that long, given our tendency to slap them silly when they land on us. But in the right circumstances, an adult mosquito has quite a long life expectancy, as bugs go. Most adult females live for two to three weeks. For those that winter in your garage, though- look out. Eggs can dry out for eight months and still hatch. Females Bite Humans While Males Feed on Nectar Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood. Female mosquitoes need protein for their eggs and must take a blood meal in order to reproduce. Because males dont bear the burden of producing young, theyll avoid you completely and head for the flowers instead. When not trying to produce eggs, females are happy to stick to nectar, too. Some Mosquitoes Avoid Biting Humans Not all mosquito species feed on people. Some mosquitoes specialize on other animals and are no bother to us at all. Culiseta melanura, for example, bites birds almost exclusively and rarely bites humans. Another mosquito species,  Uranotaenia sapphirina, is known to feed on reptiles and amphibians. Mosquitoes Fly Slowly Mosquitoes average a flight speed of 1 to 1.5 miles per hour. If a race were held between all the flying insects, nearly every other contestant would beat the pokey mosquito. Butterflies, locusts, and honeybees would all finish well ahead of the skeeter. A Mosquito's Wings Beat 300–600 Times Per Second This would explain that irritating buzzing sound you hear just before a mosquito lands on you and bites. Mosquitoes Synchronize Their Wing Beats Scientists once thought that only male mosquitoes could hear the wing beats of their potential mates, but recent research on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes proved females listen for lovers, too. When the male and female meet, their buzzing synchronizes to the same speed. Salt Marsh Mosquitoes May Live100 Miles Away Most mosquitoes emerge from their watery breeding ground and stay pretty close to home. But some, like the salt marsh mosquitoes, will fly long distances to find a suitable place to live, with all the nectar and blood they could want to drink. All Mosquitoes Need Water to Breed- but Not Much Just a few inches of water is all it takes for a female to deposit her eggs. Tiny mosquito larvae develop quickly in birdbaths, roof gutters, and old tires dumped in vacant lots. Some species can breed in puddles left after a rainstorm. If you want to keep mosquitoes under control around your home, you need to be vigilant about dumping any standing water every few days. Most Mosquitoes Can Travel Only 2–3 Miles Your mosquitoes are basically your (and your neighbors) problem. Some varieties, like the Asian tiger mosquito, can fly only about 100 yards. Mosquitoes Detect CO2 75 Feet Away Carbon dioxide, which humans and other animals produce, is the key signal to mosquitoes that a potential blood meal is near. Theyve developed a keen sensitivity to CO2 in the air. Once a female senses CO2 in the vicinity, she flies back and forth through the CO2 plume until she locates her victim. Bug Zappers Don't Attract Mosquitoes Bug zappers give off light that attracts gnats, beetles, moths, and the like, but because mosquitoes are attracted to you by CO2, they are not effective at killing mosquitoes. They likely kill more beneficial insects and those eaten by songbirds than mosquitoes. They even take out parasitic wasps, which control other species. How Do You Kill Mosquitoes? Fogger machines that attract mosquitoes with CO2 and then trap them do work, but repellants for your yard and self may be the easiest and most cost-effective way to go. Why Do Mosquitoes Exist? Basically, mosquitoes exist because theyre next to impossible to wipe out. Species dont exist in a vacuum; as long as they can find food and dont have environmental pressure against them, theyll continue. Mosquitoes are millions of years old as a species. In the ecosystem, they do serve as food for other species (birds, frogs, and fish) and as pollinators. The larvae eat detritus in the water, helping to clean it. There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, but only about 200 bite humans. Not Everyone Is Allergic to Mosquito Saliva Mosquito saliva, which lubricates the proboscis to glide into the skin, is responsible for the itching and bump on your skin, but not everyone is allergic to mosquito saliva. Some people even avoid getting bitten, and their sweat is being studied to develop repellents. Mosquitoes Have Benefitted Science The design of their proboscis has inspired scientists to design less-painful hypodermic needles, examine strategies to make needle insertion easier, and create insertion guides to better place tiny electrodes into the brain.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing strategy - Essay Example The second part of the report focuses on internal analysis of Netflix with VRIN framework adopted for conducting an analysis of company resources and capabilities. Based on the identified in the external and internal analysis, part three feature issues and challenges facing Netflix as it strives to remain competitive in the industry. Part four of the report analyses strategic options that will facilitate continued growth and development of Netflix with the ANSOFF Matrix being the analytical tool for identifying the options. Part five of the report evaluates the identified strategic growth options while part six focuses on the selected growth option before lastly making a brief conclusion and recommendation. Netflix operates in video renting and streaming industry with the company offering channels foe distribution of DVD rental by mail order, internet streaming of content through home devices such as PCs and internet TV. The company uses subscription-based services to customers who pay a monthly fee for both DVD rental and streaming services. The company had initially linked the two services, but has separated them in recent years meaning subscribers will no longer have access to both unlimited DVDs and unlimited online streaming in one subscription plan (Thompson, 2013). There are a number of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors with considerable impact on the operations of Netflix. Political and legal factors in the external market relates to laws and regulations regarding access and distribution of content by Netflix and and other vendors in existing in the industry. There is an increased concern about piracy with companies seeking to enhance their control regarding copyrights, patents, licensing and trademarks. While it is difficult for authorities to eradicate, piracy has a negative impact on revenues collected by vendors as it makes content

Friday, November 1, 2019

Plasma International and Blood Plasma Transfusions Case Study

Plasma International and Blood Plasma Transfusions - Case Study Example Blood most especially the one provided through donations by third world countries at a low price should not be sold back to them at exorbitant prices. Blood should be available to anyone at any time without charge or obligation because donors don’t gain preference over non-donors. I don’t agree with the writer because human blood, just like any other human body part should come at a price. People pay to replace their kidneys, arms, eyes knees even heart valves. Just like blood other body parts are as important so I don’t see why when it comes to the donation of blood it should be different. Just because blood comes from human who can continuously produce more, doesn’t mean one can collect it freely(Zimmer.Preston n.d) There are many things involved before, during and after someone is transfused with blood that is costly. Starting with purchasing needles, collection bags, sterilizers, vacuum containers, equipment for laboratory testing to verify the purity of the blood. Medical practitioners, as well as the supplies they use like lab coats, latex gloves, and protective equipment, need to be purchased. Also, transportation cost from the donor to the recipient should not be left out. According to me, it’s not unethical if the company k eeps the price to receive donor blood affordable to the recipient. And as long as it operates legally, it’s fine with me. After all, medicine nowadays is profit generating as any other. The existence of blood market does not threaten the right to donate freely (Zimmer.Preston (n.d) There are facts that contradict my argument, the fact that marketing threatens all rights to receive freely donated blood. The commercialization of blood discourages voluntary blood donors; someone will be reluctant to donate freely knowing very well that someone will be financially profitable out of it (Paying donors and the ethics of blood supply. n.d.).  Still, it seems likely that  when suppliers get paid, the would-be non-cash donor losses the sense that their contribution is necessary (Güceri, Fridman   & North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2008).Â